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Carleth's run club

Helping Runners Navigate The Up's & Down's of Marathon Training.

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Meet Carleth

Running is her passion.

Carleth Keys is a marathon runner and influential running content creator from NYC. With a background in news reporting, she now shares her passion for long-distance running and her global adventures on her social media platforms. Carleth's engaging and educational content inspires others to overcome challenges and achieve their seemingly impossible goals. Now, she is going to help you stay happy and healthy as you train for your marathon.

  • Let's Train Together
  • Let's Race Together
  • Let's Grow Together
Marathon Training Plans

You Don't Have To Train Alone.

They say working out with a friend boosts success rate by 7x. Carleth's Run Club offers runners of all levels a place to feel confident in their workouts, prevent injury when training, and have so much fun while putting in the miles reading up to race day. Learn how Carleth's Marathon Coaches can help you get across the finish line. 

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A Runners Community

Inspiring Run Workouts Around the Globe.

Nothing beats the support and accountability of fellow athletes.  By signing up, you are part of this global virtual running community and we are going to have some fun! From workouts to proper stretches, to long runs to race day, having a fellow Carleth's Rub Club member hold you accountable and be there with you, will get you across the finish line! 

Fuel Your Marathon Aspirations
Start Training Now!

Don't miss out on the chance to transform potential into performance