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Shrimp Ceviche

Shrimp Ceviche

What you will need: A big mixing bowl, cutting board, knife for chopping and 20 min.  

  • 8 Plum tomatoes 
  • 2-3 limes (smooth and soft to the touch)
  •  1 one white onion 
  • Cilantro
  • 1-1.5 lbs of medium or large cooked shrimp
  • Worcestershire Sauce 
  • Salt
  • Pepper 
  • Next steps
  • Chop all 8 tomatoes add to bowl
  • Finely chop 1/4 of the white onion add to bowl 
  • Finely chop 3 pieces of cilantro add to bowl
  • Add lime juice from at leAd
  • Add salt/pepper
  • Add a dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • Mix everything together, taste with a tortilla chip or cracker add any additioanl lime/salt/sauce as necessary. Cover and refrigerate.