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Why We Refuse To Give Up...

Do you remember Bobby from the lobby? For years, this kind doorman brightened our Fridays with handwritten notes of encouragement, offering a boost of positivity as we embarked on our busy days in NYC.

One of those notes became my guiding light in my running journey. It read, "You are the beast that refuses to give up." Little did Bobby know, those words would fuel my commitment to marathon training, especially during times when injury and doubt tried to sideline me.

Six weeks post-knee surgery, with a clear goal of running the Tokyo Marathon in March, I’ve embraced that mantra more than ever. Like many of you, I’m not an elite runner. I have a family, a job, and countless responsibilities. Yet, despite the obstacles, I keep showing up, fighting the odds, and pushing toward that finish line.

We all do. We refuse to give up. We embody the spirit of resilience, facing every challenge life throws our way, determined to keep moving forward.

Why? Because we are beasts. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, we cannot conquer. Believe me.

You’re in the right place, my friend. Stay with us, and embrace this community of like-minded warriors who refuse to give up. 

Join our Facebook group to connect, ask questions, and share your training experiences. Together, we’ll keep running toward our dreams!
