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Overnight Oats: Recipe For Breakfast

Fueling your training is one of the most overlooked aspects of training. Fighting "the wall" or "bonking" when running a marathon takes proper nutrition and the right plan pre, during, and post-race day. Today, we share a quick on-the-go breakfast idea: 

Overnight Oats

What you will need: A container with a lid (mason jar or Tupperware), and 20 min.  

At night add the following in a container:

  • ½ cup Oats 
  • ½ cup any type of milk 
  •  Store in the refrigerator 
  • In the morning:
  • Stir oats and milk 
  • Add the following:
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon flax seeds
  • 1 table hemp seeds
  • Maple syrup or honey  to taste
  • Berries or any type of fruit 

overnight oats example