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Choose To Be Present

In the midst of my grief, I made a conscious choice to step away from social media. It wasn’t easy, but it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

This summer was a whirlwind of emotions. In July, my family experienced an unexpected loss that deeply impacted all of us. My father-in-law, a constant source of love and support, passed away suddenly, leaving a void that reshaped our world in ways we never anticipated.

In the midst of this grief, I made a conscious choice to step away from social media. It wasn’t easy, but I knew my family needed me fully present, especially my husband and kids. And I have to say—it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Being there for them, every single day, with no distractions, was a gift I didn’t even know we needed.

I had to put my own plans on hold, including my knee recovery, which faced a few setbacks. But honestly, none of that seemed as important as being present for my family. When life throws something this heavy at you, the little things fall into place or fade away. What mattered most was being there—really there—in every moment, offering love, support, and whatever my family needed.

Now, as we move forward, I’m slowly getting back into my groove. I have so many exciting projects lined up, and I’m filled with a renewed sense of purpose. While I won’t be running in the Sydney or Berlin Marathons this year, I’ll be cheering you on from afar, sending all my love and energy your way.

But here’s the best part—I *will* be in NYC, ready to cheer you on in person! Whether you need an encouraging word, a quick fuel-up, or just a big, energy-boosting hug, I’ll be there, waiting for you. We’ll celebrate together, as a community, and I can’t wait to see you all at the finish line, pushing strong and finishing even stronger.

I’ll also be organizing some meetups in the Big Apple—because what better way to reconnect than with some time together, sharing laughs, stories, and good vibes? Are you ready for it? Because I am, and I can’t wait to see you there. Let’s make this fall something special!

P.S. Remember to check my YouTube channel to get the latest on my recovery journey towards the Tokyo Marathon. SUBSCRIBE HERE>>