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I am worried running is going to become a conflict in my relationship, can you help?

Hello Community! So many of us runners struggle with the same things from injury, to finding family/ life balance to what’s the best way to hydrate. I try to field all of your questions in DM’s but I think it’s time to bring them all here  so we can all share together. Let's get the conversation going with, “Querida Carleth”!

Have a question for Carleth?! Email

Q: Carleth, I have been an avid runner for 10 years, as you know it's a lifestyle that is important to all of us. I have been dating someone for about a year and I have notice she hints about me being gone on my long run on weekends. I really like her, but I also don't want this to become a conflict, any suggestions? Have a good day, it's been great seeing your progress. Pete, New Jersey

A: This reminds me of my marriage 😂.

To involve your partner in your newfound passion, I would suggest asking her if she would like to join you. If running isn't her cup of tea, perhaps she would be interested in biking alongside you instead. This could provide a wonderful opportunity for you to bond and spend quality time together.

In my own experience, successful negotiations with my spouse have proven helpful in maintaining a balance between our individual hobbies and interests. For example, I would offer to participate in one of his preferred activities, even if it wasn't my personal favorite, in exchange for his support and understanding of my running routine. This compromise allowed both of us to pursue our passions while still prioritizing our relationship.

Ultimately, it is important to prioritize your own commitment to running if it holds significant value in your life. Over time, your partner will likely come to understand and appreciate the importance of running to you, just as my own partner did.

Building mutual respect and understanding is key in maintaining a healthy balance between personal pursuits and shared goals within a relationship.

I hope this helps 🙏
