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Stay Hydrated

Hello Community! So many of us runners struggle with the same things from injury, to finding family/ life balance to what’s the best way to hydrate.

Stay Hydrated, Stay Strong! 

Follow These Tips For Daily Hydration:

1. Aim for 8-10 cups of water daily to avoid dehydration and ensure peak performance.

2. Adjust based on activity level and climate.

3. During Short Runs (<5 miles): Hydrate after your run unless it’s hot out.

4. Longer Runs: Drink water during runs over 45 minutes to maintain hydration levels.

5. Electrolytes: Essential for preventing cramps and maintaining balance. Add electrolyte drinks, powders, or snacks, especially in hot weather or intense workouts.

6. Sip, Don’t Chug:

7. Sip water regularly during your run to avoid stomach slosh and maintain steady hydration.

8. Sweat Rate: Calculate your sweat rate to tailor your hydration plan. Weigh yourself before and after runs to find out how much you sweat per hour.

9. Signs of Dehydration: Watch for dizziness, fatigue, and dark urine. Keep hydrated to prevent these issues.

10. Hydration Variety: Include other liquids like milk, juice, coffee, and tea in your hydration routine.

11. Pre-hydration: Before intense workouts, drink 5-7 ml of fluid per kg body weight about 4 hours prior.

Remember: Hydration is key to successful runs and overall health. Keep those water bottles filled and stay hydrated!

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