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How long after a marathon to recover/train again...

Hello Community! So many of us runners struggle with the same things from injury, to finding family/ life balance to what’s the best way to hydrate. I try to field all of your questions in DM’s but I think it’s time to bring them all here so we can all share together. Let's get the conversation going with, “Querida Carleth”!

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Q: I just finished my first marathon and omg! It was so fun! During the marathon I promised I would never do another but as soon as I finished, I was already thinking about the next. How soon after a marathon can I start training for another? Thank you for being so positive and authentic on social media, I always look forward to hearing your updates! - Sincerely, Jenny, Austin, TX

A: Hi Jenny! Thank you so much for your kind words! Regarding your question, it's generally recommended to allow your body sufficient time to recover. Some experienced runners participate in a marathon in the Spring and another in the Fall, giving themselves about 6 months for rest and training.

Personally, I prefer taking a two-week break from running after finishing a race. After that, I gradually ease back into recreational running to rebuild my base for the next training cycle. This approach typically provides me with around two full months of rest between marathon seasons.

This routine works well for me, but it's important to remember that every runner is different. I would suggest listening to your body to determine if it's ready for another challenge.

Best of luck with your upcoming race!

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